This time of year is bittersweet for many of us. There are so many traditions and family gatherings, that can be a mine field for those of us who are grieving a loved one. There are many kinds of losses too, not just the death of someone we love but the loss of a marriage, the estrangement of a family member, physical and mental illness, addiction, and just plain complicated life and relationships. This Modern love article is beautiful and bittersweet. There are so many ways we can respond. Being open to each moment as a new experience allows us to have the “bitter” and the “sweet”.
Each moment can be a choice to see what is right in front of us. Sometimes bitter and devastating grief and sometimes a glimmer of pure joy and hope. The bottom of Pandora’s box. Who can you think of including yourself that you could connect with today, to show an act of kindness, and compassion in some small way. We can have faith in our connection with ourselves and each other in each moment of each day as genuine and real. That gives me peace.
— Connie