Boosting Immunity & Staying Healthy

Boosting Immunity & Staying Healthy

Our suggestions with regards to the Measles Outbreak in Texas

We are here to offer patient-centered information and to chime in on health concerns in our community. We are offering bloodwork to check for Measles immunity, however, we are not offering MMR vaccines because it's more cost effective and easier to get at your local pharmacy.
  • We are happy to do a blood draw to check for Measles antibodies. 
  • If you have questions about your results,  we can schedule a limited phone consultation with a provider, just give us a call to get scheduled!
  • If you need an involved consultation, we may recommend a normal office/telemed visit.
Below are some suggestions for staying healthy and informed from our practitioners! 
From Eva Montes & Abby Brown:

Measles is highly contagious and makes people incredibly ill, with approximately 20% hospitalization rate, according to the CDC.  In 2025 alone, a total of 164 measles cases were reported, including in Texas.  We recommend antibody testing to see if you're immune.  If you're worried about Measles exposure, please schedule a telemed visit to minimize its spread. 

From our Acupuncturist, Peggy Ghorbani:

I just got my measles antibodies tested here at CFP!  I love vaccines and you can get MMR vaccinations at your local pharmacy.  To boost immunity, I recommend supplementing with: Vitamin DVitamin C with QuercitinNAC, and Sambucus.   Another good preventative is keeping your sinuses moist and clear.  We offer both XLEAR spray & White Flower oil (as a chest rub) to keep your sinuses open. For kids we have a new pediatric probiotic & loquat cough syrup.  My favorite Chinese herbal treatment is Yin Chiao — if you take eight of these horse pills at the first whisper of a sore throat, you will knock it out! 

From Connie Ryan and Dr. Chen: Our favorite immune support that we keep for all our staff to take are best taken together: Integrative Therapeutics Vit C with Quercetin and Pure Encapsulations NAC
  • Using NAC with Vit C with Quercetin works well because they have a synergistic effect beyond what any of them can provide individually.  NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) is a precursor that helps the body to form glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. 

  • Vitamin C and Quercetin are also powerful antioxidants. Vitamin C potentiates the activity of quercetin by recycling quercetin back to its reduced form. This increases quercetin’s bioavailability and effectiveness as an antioxidant. 

  • NAC also helps with respiratory mucus levels and is well absorbed.  Besides thinning mucus, NAC is an antioxidant, and it might interfere with bacterial biofilms, making them more vulnerable to antibiotics and immune surveillance. 

  • Delivering quercetin with vitamin C in the presence of healthy glutathione status (NAC supports this) will increase quercetin’s clinical efficacy by helping to recycle quercetin to make it more available to your body as an antioxidant.  NAC is the precursor to glutathione which is found in high concentrations in most cells of the body. It regulates a range of cellular functions and immune responses. Glutathione neutralizes free radicals, detoxifies harmful compounds, directly scavenges oxidative chemicals, and targets the causes of oxidative stress. It also protects against oxidants by recycling vitamin C and vitamin E.  Because glutathione is involved in so many cellular activities and processes—and because N-acetylcysteine can increase the production of glutathione—researchers have been studying N-acetylcysteine for use in a wide variety of medical conditions. WARNING: if you are on a blood thinner speak to your health care provider before taking NAC as it can cause blood thinning.


We can order Measles antibody testing for you so you can decide if you want to get a vaccine or not with your pharmacy.  It's safe to get vaccinated again as an adult even if you were vaccinated as a child.  You can schedule a limited phone consultation with providers if you have specific questions about antibody results but don't need a full office visit. 
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